On a brilliant, sunny morning a full team gathered on site for Jezz Meredith's first briefing. This year we are lucky to have some enthusiastic young archaeology students to add welcome muscle and knowledge to the volunteers. The weather stayed hot all day, and the brisk breeze proved a mixed blessing - cooling the labourers but blowing the fine sand briskly across the site.
With the site marked out into precise 2 metre squares, teams dug through the hard top surface down to the first 'natural' level, carefully sieving all the spoil. Finds so far have closely mirrored the pattern of previous digs - pottery (mostly Roman, but a little Saxon), brick fragments, a lot of oyster shells, some Neolithic flint tools, and one small fragment of yellow glass. 3 years ago one piece of Roman glass was identified, so hopes are high that this too will prove to be ancient.
During the day John Grant of the East Anglian Daily Times came to see the work and interview Tony Bone and Richard Newman about the project for a piece in tomorrow's edition. He was accompanied by Kate Osborne from the Touching the Tide project (generous sponsors of the dig) and Audrey Boyle from Suffolk Wildlife Trust (owners of the site who have kindly given permission for this latest excavation).
By the end of the day Jezz pronounced himself well pleased with progress "more than I expected".
With the site marked out into precise 2 metre squares, teams dug through the hard top surface down to the first 'natural' level, carefully sieving all the spoil. Finds so far have closely mirrored the pattern of previous digs - pottery (mostly Roman, but a little Saxon), brick fragments, a lot of oyster shells, some Neolithic flint tools, and one small fragment of yellow glass. 3 years ago one piece of Roman glass was identified, so hopes are high that this too will prove to be ancient.
During the day John Grant of the East Anglian Daily Times came to see the work and interview Tony Bone and Richard Newman about the project for a piece in tomorrow's edition. He was accompanied by Kate Osborne from the Touching the Tide project (generous sponsors of the dig) and Audrey Boyle from Suffolk Wildlife Trust (owners of the site who have kindly given permission for this latest excavation).
By the end of the day Jezz pronounced himself well pleased with progress "more than I expected".